copyright the Chronicle March 22, 2017
by Elizabeth Trail
Due to concerns about federal budget cuts proposed by the Trump administration, Vermont’s Legislature may adjourn early this year and go back to Montpelier in October.
“Trump’s been talking about cutting a lot of stuff,” Senator Bobby Starr of North Troy said. “It may make more sense to draw up a temporary budget and reconvene when we have some real numbers.”
Senator Starr agrees with colleagues in the Legislature who are saying that it would make more sense to finish the budget in October than to function without a finished budget until next year.
“We’ve been taking testimony on the 2018 budget,” Mr. Starr said. “Where we’re going to run into trouble is not knowing what’s going to happen in Washington.”
In addition to being chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee, Mr. Starr sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee.
“Word is going out that the legislators should be making plans to be back here in the fall,” he said.
Meanwhile, he’s keeping busy in Montpelier, as is the region’s other Senator, John Rodgers of Glover.
“There’s always plenty to do here,” Mr. Rodgers said.
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