Editor's Picks

Jay Peak hosts annual Porsche parade

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copyright the Chronicle June 29, 2016

by Jef Barker

A week of Porsche Club of America (PCA) events, including a concours, a time, speed, and distance rally, and a parade of Porsches ended Saturday with 350 of the German-made cars driving from Jay Peak to Newport. Several dozen cars and about 150 people continued on to the Haskell Opera House in Derby Line.

There were at least a dozen people on the sidewalks and front lawns on and around Main Street in Newport taking pictures of the cars when the parade passed by at the turnaround point.

Some of the drivers parked at the state office building or on Main Street to enjoy Newport, but most looped around and headed back to Jay or continued on to the Haskell Opera House.

The Porsche owners took care of their own throughout the week — with about 600 club members volunteering for four- to six-hour shifts, doing everything from setup and tear down to working at the event car wash hosted by the Jay Fire Department…To read the rest of this article, and all the Chronicle‘s stories, subscribe:

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