Editor's Picks

Jay mulls purchase of village land

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by Matthew Wilson

JAY — Several parties met on January 18, to continue discussing a 194-acre property just outside of the town’s center.  The conversation around the parcel of land started in December with a gathering organized by the Missisquoi River Basin Association (MRBA).  After doing some planning and looking at the parcel, all of the groups with an interest in the prospect of Jay owning the land met once again to see what steps are next.

The property sits along Cross Road and Revoir Flats Road, and has been kept free of development for several decades.  The property had been owned former Jay Peak Resort owner Ariel Quiros.  After the EB-5 fraud scandal erupted the land was then placed into the hands of court-appointed receiver Michael Goldberg.  Bill Stenger, the resort’s former president, is representing Mr. Goldberg in the matter. …

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