Editor's Picks

Governor’s freeze gets a cold shoulder

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copyright the Chronicle February 1, 2017


by Tena Starr


Governor Phil Scott’s plan for education, delivered last week as part of his budget address, hasn’t met with enthusiasm in Orleans County.

The plan calls for a freeze on school budgets, and in order to give districts time to rewrite their budgets, every district would vote on them on May 23. Also, teachers would pay 20 percent of their health insurance premiums. Most pay 15 percent now.

Local school districts are basically ignoring the proposal, which lacks legislation behind it at this point.

Orleans Central Supervisory Union (OCSU) Superintendent Donald Van Nostrand said Lake Region Union High School will go ahead and hold its annual meeting and budget vote on February 15 as planned. The elementary schools are also moving forward as they would any other year. Glover, Albany, Brownington, and Irasburg hold their school meetings and budget votes on Town Meeting Day, or in the case if Irasburg, in the evening. Orleans and Barton vote later in March, and Westmore votes in May.

There have been no school board meetings since the Governor’s budget address, Mr. Van Nostrand said. “And we have not called any special meetings to talk about it at this point.”

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