Editor's Picks

Lake Region to hold evacuation drill September 9

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copyright the Chronicle September 7, 2016

by Elizabeth Trail

On Friday, September 9, Lake Region Union High School will hold a mock evacuation drill. The point is to see how the school’s written plans will work out in real life.

In the middle of the morning on Friday, alarms will sound, and first responders will swarm into the school just as they would if there was a real school-wide emergency.

Police, fire departments, and rescue vehicles will rush to the campus, while students and staff are evacuated from the buildings, loaded onto buses, and driven to relocation sites in Irasburg, Orleans, and Barton.

Students will be returned to the school by bus after the drill is over.

“I just want to be sure that if family or friends drive by and see all the emergency vehicles, they know that it’s just a drill,” Principal Andre Messier said. “We could have a real panic.”

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