Crime & Police Reports

More ar­rests ex­pected fol­low­ing a VSP search seiz­ing large amounts of fen­tanyl and crack co­caine.

• Bookmarks: 458

On 02/​08/​2024, Mem­bers of the Ver­mont Drug Task Force, HSI (Home­land Se­cu­rity In­ves­ti­ga­tions), FBI (Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tions), and the St. Johns­bury Po­lice De­part­ment ex­e­cuted a court-au­tho­rized search war­rant at 714 Hig­gins Hill Road in the town of St. Johns­bury, VT.  Dur­ing the search, a large amount of Fen­tanyl and crack co­caine was lo­cated and seized.  Also lo­cated dur­ing the search were a num­ber of firearms and US cur­rency.  Through the in­ves­ti­ga­tion, Jose Ro­driquez of Spring­field, MA, was ar­rested and charged with the traf­fick­ing of heroin/​fen­tanyl.  Ro­driquez was processed and re­leased with a ci­ta­tion to ap­pear in Cale­do­nia Su­pe­rior Court.  It should be noted that more ar­rests and ad­di­tional charges are ex­pected.

458 recommended