Editor's Picks

Meeting cut short by resident’s comments

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by Matthew Wilson

NEWPORT CENTER — When a town resident became irate with the Newport Center Select Board and another member of the public tempers at the June 6 meeting got heated enough to bring business an immediate halt.  After being asked to keep his comments civil at more than one meeting across several months, the resident, Barry Sahagian, exhausted the board’s patience.

The beginning of the meeting saw the board taking care of the regular business that they usually oversee.  A member of the zoning board came by to talk about a couple of items that he and the rest of his group have been managing.  The road foreman gave his report.  Board members spoke briefly about the town’s solar panels and the transition to the new recycling center.

All the while, Mr. Sahagian was setting up a pair of cameras in the small meeting room to record his interactions with the board.  Mr. Sahagian has repeatedly come into conflict with the select board concerning a lawsuit between himself and Newport Center. …

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