Editor's Picks

Lakeview’s future weighed

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by Joseph Gresser

HARDWICK — Lakeview Elementary School will open as scheduled later this month, with around 25 students and down, at present, one teacher.  That was the word from Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union Superintendent David Baker Monday night.

The bigger question is opening day 2024.  That is one that a task force from the Mountain View Elementary School Union has been asked to answer.

Mountain View is the student-chosen name for what was previously the Orleans Southwest Union Elementary School District, made up of Hardwick, Woodbury, Greensboro, Stannard.

The district operates schools in three towns, Woodbury Elementary, Hardwick Elementary, and Lakeview in Greensboro.  Craftsbury is also part of the Orleans Southwest union, but as its system runs a pre-kindergarten through high school program, it couldn’t be brought into the Mountain View union under the rules set out by Act 46…

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