copyright the Chronicle October 12, 2016
by Elizabeth Trail
GLOVER — The October lunch menu at the Glover Community School said that Halloween lunch would be spider bellies, spider legs, and bones.
A day later the school sent a corrected menu home with students. This time, lunch on October 31 was scheduled to be chicken tenders, french fries, and celery sticks.
Then parents learned that the school’s traditional pumpkin carving contest had been canceled.
And students won’t be allowed to wear costumes to school.
“We need to keep religious celebrations and holidays out of schools,” said Angelique Brown, the new Glover principal.
Before coming to Glover, Ms. Brown was assistant principal at a school in Groveton, New Hampshire.
That school eliminated in-school holiday celebrations at least five years ago, she said. And most other areas don’t allow them.
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