copyright the Chronicle January 13, 2016
by Elizabeth Trail
BARTON — The Barton Village Trustees set new water and sewer rates at their meeting Monday night. Water customers will now pay a base charge of $24 a month, plus $4.50 for every thousand gallons they use. They will also pay a $30 base charge for sewer service, plus $6.25 for every thousand gallons, based on the water meter.
Water bills are about to be sent out for the current billing cycle, so people will see those changes on the bill that comes in February.
Jackie Swett and Denise Valley came to the meeting as concerned citizens. Because they each use fewer than 1,000 gallons a month, they fall into the category of users, many on fixed incomes, who will see their rates go up as a result of the changes.
“So, after the whole discussion at the public meeting, you’re still going ahead with raising our rates?” Ms. Swett asked. “That’s a 60… To read the rest of this article, and all the Chronicle‘s stories, subscribe:
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