Editor's Picks

Derby mulls cross-border health issues

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by Matthew Wilson

DERBY— Derby’s health officer, Elijah Capron, brought a knotty problem to the select board Monday night during a meeting that also looked at recent water damage to the fire station in Derby Line.

Mr. Capron told board members about a couple of properties that straddle the United States-Canadian border.  He said he has received a number of complaints about the properties.  The primary concerns regard the electrical and sewer systems.  The properties are rented by people who live out of town and have repeatedly refused to let anyone from either Stanstead or Derby inspect the property to check out the complaints.

He gave the board plenty of documents to look over and pointed to two safety reports in particular.

“The courts have moved forward, in several instances, with evicting people out of these apartments,” Mr. Capron said.  “Yet, those safety reports say that they refuse to enforce any of the health and safety. …

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