Editor's Picks

Bread and Puppet Theater’s museum turns 40

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Here, Elka Schumann, whose husband, Peter Schumann, founded the Bread and Puppet Theater, sits next to the museum guard, a wooden figurine.  Traditionally, he sleeps in a nightcap in his bed on the bench next to where Ms. Schumann is sitting all winter when the museum is closed, and is woken up each summer for the open house.  When he’s on duty he wears a cap.  Photo by Nathalie Gagnon-Joseph
Here, Elka Schumann, whose husband, Peter Schumann, founded the Bread and Puppet Theater, sits next to the museum guard, a wooden figurine. Traditionally, he sleeps in a nightcap in his bed on the bench next to where Ms. Schumann is sitting all winter when the museum is closed, and is woken up each summer for the open house. When he’s on duty he wears a cap. Photo by Nathalie Gagnon-Joseph

copyright the Chronicle June 10, 2015

by Nathalie Gagnon-Joseph

GLOVER — Visitors jammed the lanes around the Bread and Puppet Theater’s grounds here with their cars on Sunday when they came for the museum’s open house.

The theater celebrated the fortieth anniversary of its puppet museum on Sunday with shape note singing, harp music, and mini-plays scattered around the yard.

The smell of garlic from the aioli that was served with Bread and Puppet’s signature sourdough bread permeated the museum.

Visitors could wander through over 40 years worth of big puppets and peruse and purchase posters, pamphlets, and books.

Burt Porter, a Glover poet and musician who has participated in opening the museum yearly since its inception, was given a wooden medal….To read the rest of this article, and all the Chronicle‘s stories, subscribe:

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contact Nathalie Gagnon-Joseph at [email protected]

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