Editor's Picks

West Glover church affirms openness to all

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by Trisha Ingalls

WEST GLOVER — The church here just marked another historic milestone in its 200-year existence: it is now officially welcoming and affirming of all people, including those who are gay, lesbian, and transgender.

According to Betsy Day, church trustee and president of the West Glover Willing Workers, civil unions and gay marriages can now be performed at the West Glover Congregational Church.  In the 1900s the Willing Workers were a huge group of more than 100 ladies who organized community dinners and many fundraisers for the church and other causes.

“There are only three of us left,” Ms. Day said. “The rest of them are in the graveyard.  That’s part of the issue.  Our congregation is dwindling, we’re not receiving any new worshipers.”

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