Editor's Picks

Three hope to be mayor

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by Trisha Ingalls

NEWPORT — The city has an interim manager and three candidates for the August 1 mayoral election.  Karen Geraghty was offered an employment contract as interim city manager at Monday night’s meeting held at the Gateway Center.

After her appointment, Ms. Geraghty invited the city’s department heads to stand behind the council members.

“The role of the city manager is to work with both the council, who set our policy, and also the employees who are responsible for executing the services for the public good in our community,” she said.

Indicating the six staff standing behind council and two seated at the table, Ms. Geraghty said, “These are the men and women, and the many staff members who work in their departments, who provide the services to our community.  It always amazes me how so much that happens at this level is invisible to the public eye.

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