copyright the Chronicle January 13, 2016
by Tena Starr
BURLINGTON — Not surprisingly, given the candidate’s career, Donald Trump’s rally here last week resembled a reality TV show as much as a political rally.
Mr. Trump bragged about the 20,000 people who had lined up to see him.
Actually, according to Burlington Police, that number was closer to 2,000.
His campaign had issued 20,000 free tickets, and many ticket holders believed that a ticket translated into entrance to the venue.
It did not. Hundreds of people stood in line outside for hours and many were denied entrance because the 1,400-seat venue was full.
It filled slowly, since everyone who made it to the doors had to go through airport level security, including body scans and bag searches.
“I love my people,” Mr. Trump said shortly after we walked in. “They are the most loyal people.”
Anyone who did not exhibit that loyalty, however, was ushered, bodily if necessary… To read the rest of this article, and all the Chronicle‘s stories, subscribe:
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