Editor's Picks

Survey prompts concern, conversation

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by Luke Vidic

In the final months of 2020, members of the Lake Region Union High School (LRUHS) newspaper club created a series of questions to ask their peers.  The topic at hand was bullying and harassment in Lake Region — in its hallways and cafeteria, and on myriad social media platforms.

The students presented their proposal to the school board at LRUHS on January 18, 2021, and were given the go-ahead.

A year later, after polling the 280 students and partially disaggregating the data, the results reveal troubling signs of harassment leveled at students of color and students who identify as LGBTQIA+.

this story and more in the full edition of this week’s paper. Subscribe now to access our e-version or to have it delivered to your home weekly by selecting a link below:

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