
North Country band plays at Disney World

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©the Chronicle, 2015

by Elizabeth Trail

For 53 members of the North Country Union High School band, last week’s flying trip to perform at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida, was an adventure they had worked toward for three years. For the 20 adult chaperones, it was a five-day challenge in planning and logistics.

For everyone, band director Bill Prue said the day after the group got back, it was exciting, exhausting, and utterly worthwhile.

This is the North Country band’s fifth trip to Orlando to participate in the Disney Performing Arts Program. Bands, vocal ensembles, and dance troupes from all over the country apply to get into the merit-based program.

The students go to a four-hour workshop one day, and then get to perform in the bandstand at Disney Springs, an area of the resort that used to be called Main Street Disney World. In between their musical obligations, they can enjoy Disney World’s other attractions.

“These kids have known since they were freshmen that they’d be going on this trip,” Mr. Prue said.

He thinks that the trip is a great motivation to keep students in the band throughout their high school careers.

Over the past three years, students have worked hard, both to make the band good enough to meet Disney’s high standards…….

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