
Memorial Day observances

• Bookmarks: 95

Roaring Brook Park

Memorial Day events will be on Sunday, May 29. Gates open at 8 a.m., and events begin at 9 a.m.

At 9 a.m., the American Legion Barton Post #76 will perform a ceremony, including the raising of the flag and the playing of “Taps.”

The day includes farm stock tractor pulling starting at 9 a.m., horse and pony pulling starting at 10 a.m., a gymkhana horse show starting at noon, cow flop bingo at 1 p.m., face painting, food booths, a kids bounce house and a 35-foot tall slide for $2, and more.

The Lake Region Youth Baseball tournament starts at 10 a.m., with both T-ball and minors games, leading up to the minors championship at 2:30 p.m.

The annual 30-team horseshoe tournament begins at 10 a.m., with registration at 9 a.m. The entry fee is $5, and play is behind the grandstand. To guarantee a spot, pre-register with Ray Lamarche at 754-8734.

For more details on these events and any fees, visit orleanscountyfair.net.

Admission to the fairgrounds is $5; children under ten, or who are in a team uniform, are free. Parking is free.


Observances will be on Monday, May 30. The parade will start at 11 a.m., and the Lake Region Union High School band will play. People who want to participate in the parade should gather at the Barton Memorial Building around 10 or 10:30 a.m. The parade will go up the hill and down to Crystal Lake, where there will be a ceremony at Crystal Lake State Park.


Observances will begin at 9 a.m. on Monday, May 30, at the common, where the parade begins. The Lake Region band will play and then the crowd will say the pledge of allegiance, and everyone is encouraged to participate. The parade will make two stops: first at the Main Street Bridge, then at the war monument. At the first stop, a gunfire salute and the playing of “Taps” will honor the sea services. The second stop will also include a gunfire salute and the playing of “Taps” to honor the land services and the Air Force. Retired First Sergeant Special Forces Darrell Martin will be the grand marshal. The parade will include fire trucks from Orleans, cars from the Cars of Yesteryear Club and the Northeast Kingdom Fire Brigade, members of the Legion, Boy Scouts, and more. The master of ceremonies will be U.S. Air Force Vietnam veteran Roger Sanville. The post commander will be Paul Boutin.

The Legion will march in the parade along with the Sons of the Legion of Post #23 and the Ladies Auxiliary of Post #23. 


Observances will be on Monday, May 30, with a parade at 10 a.m., starting at the Newport Municipal Building and ending at Gardner Memorial Park, where there will be a ceremony. The ROTC will provide a color guard. The North Country Union Junior High School band and the Newport and Derby elementary band will play. Jim Johnson, senior vice-commander of the American Legion Post #21, will be the master of ceremonies. The speakers are Mayor Paul Monette, state Senator Bobby Starr, state Senator John Rodgers, Representative Mike Marcotte, and Representative Lynn Batchelor, and more from the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. In case of inclement weather, all activities will be held at the Newport Municipal Building.

North Troy

The parade will be on Monday, May 30, at 11 a.m., kicking off at the old mill. The parade goes to the bridge, and there will be a throwing of the wreath into the river. The parade will then go through the center of town, and there will be another ceremony at the Town Green, where a wreath will be laid at the grave marker. The parade then marches down to the Legion home, and another wreath will be laid at the flag court. The North Country Union High School band will play in the parade. After the parade, there will be a barbecue at the Legion.


There will be a parade on Monday, May 30, starting at the cemetery at 11 a.m., going down to the Town Memorial. The parade will include drummers to keep the beat of the march. The speaker will be the parade marshal, Tom Graves.


Observances will begin at 10 a.m., on Friday, May 27, in the Craftsbury Academy gymnasium, and it will be a traditional program including a mixture of student speakers. Then there will be a parade at 11 a.m., led by a color guard, from the school to the cemetery on the common. The school band will provide the parade music. The parade will return to the war memorial for more readings. After, there will be a picnic, hosted by the school, on the common. The picnic will be in the gymnasium in the event of rain.


There will be a parade led by fire trucks at 11 a.m., on Monday, May 30. Parade participants will line up on Water Street. The parade will come back up Main Street and will go down as far as the ballpark, then will come back around to the memorial for the services. Ida Burdick will read the names of war veterans from the war monument. The Orleans Central Supervisory Union band will play in the parade. Roger Sanville of American Legion Post #23 will moderate the services, and the Legion will march in the parade along with the Sons of the Legion of Post #23, the Ladies Auxiliary of Post #23, and the Cars of Yesteryear Club. The speaker will be the Reverend Nathan Strong. Following the services, there will be a luncheon at the Albany Methodist Church.

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