Editor's Picks

Glover woman helps Hawaii recover

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by Leanne Day Harple

LAHAINA, Hawaii — Lizzy  Gibson, who grew up in West Glover, now lives in Lahaina, Hawaii, on the Hawaiian island of Maui (full disclosure, she is also this reporter’s younger sister).  If the name of her small city sounds familiar, it may be because Lahaina was essentially ground zero for the devastating ten miles of wildfires that erupted so suddenly on the island on August 8.  Now, in the wake of the destruction, Ms. Gibson is busily planting native trees as part of the effort to grow new life in her adopted home.

On the day of the fire, Ms. Gibson had only very recently returned to Hawaii after visiting her family in Vermont for the month of July. It had been a busy day, she recalled, because earlier that morning, there had been a fire evacuation that was canceled when the flames from an initial fire were contained. Ms. Gibson had unpacked her evacuation bag and was standing on the balcony of the apartment that she shares with her boyfriend, overlooking the sea and the downtown city.

That was when she and her boyfriend, Ua Aloha Maji, noticed the smoke…

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