Editor's Picks

Eclipse show sheds light on space-time

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by Leanne Day Harple


GREENSBORO — With a little more than two weeks to go until the big day, pre-festivities celebrating the highly anticipated upcoming solar eclipse on April 8 are officially getting under way in the Northeast Kingdom.  Because Vermont lies in the eclipse’s path of totality, the state has been advised to prepare for an influx of tourists hoping to catch a good viewing.  Due to the lucky circumstances of its prime location, the Highland Center of the Arts in Greensboro has been selected as the site of the world premier of When Light Bends, a new original play that weaves together the story of Albert Einstein and Arthur Eddington’s collaboration on a scientific breakthrough during the 1919 solar eclipse with that of the present-day love story of two people trying to find connection with each other as they journey towards the path of totality during the 2024 solar eclipse…

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