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Island Pond meeting seeks solutions to climate change

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by Sylvia C. Dodge

ISLAND POND — Approximately 30 members of the public provided input for Vermont’s Climate Action Plan at a meeting held September 23 at the Lakeside Park Pavilion in Island Pond.  The participants represented a broad spectrum of Vermonters, all with strong ideas about climate change and about the state’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 26 percent under 2005 levels by 2025.

Two members of the Vermont House of Representatives attended the meeting, Paul Lefebvre, an Independent from Newark, and Martha Feltus, a Republican from Lyndon.  In some respects, their position was counterpointed by that of a group of meteorology students from Northern Vermont University (NVU): Lyndon.

There were activists for energy efficiency and Lake Memphremagog water quality on hand — and an opponent of a proposed, but since canceled, wind-power installation in Newark was also present.

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