Editor's Picks

Jay nurse on the frontline of the pandemic

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by Meghan Wayland


North Country Hospital employee Hannah Johnson spent two months — mid-April to mid-June — as a COVID nurse in a hot spot.  In those weeks, out of hundreds of intensive care coronavirus patients admitted to the New Jersey hospital where she worked, only eight people survived.  When a patient was discharged, the hospital would play a 30-second clip of “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles over the loud speaker.

Morale was low among the local hospital staff, who risked their lives day in, day out with only an incremental boost in pay and no known end in sight, Ms. Johnson said.

“The virus was rampant,” Ms. Johnson said.  “It affected everyone down there.  Everyone in Jersey knew multiple people that had it — a family member, a friend, and at least an acquaintance that had passed away.”

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