Editor's Picks

Select board to consider gift of historic church

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Copyright the Chronicle June 22, 2016

by Elizabeth Trail

COVENTRY — The Coventry Select Board is once again considering an offer made ten years ago by the last surviving members of the Congregational Church of Coventry to give the historic church building to the town.

The church was built in 1829 by prominent early resident Elijah Cleveland.

A decade ago, there were three living members of the church, said Alan Feltmarch, who was one of the three.

An agreement had almost been reached to donate the church to the town, when one of the select board members made a comment about selling the historic building, he said.

That brought an end to the negotiations.

Since then, one of the three members has died, and one is having memory issues. Dr. Feltmarch is himself elderly and would like to see the matter settled.

“We have enough money in the account to go about one more year,” he said. But there is no money to paint the building or put on the new roof it needs…To read the rest of this article, and all the Chronicle‘s stories, subscribe:

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