
West Glover high drive collapses

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Pictured here next to the remains of the high drive roof on the left is the Coe family.  James Coe and Nella Cargioli Coe are in the back, and their children Isabella Coe (left) and Jude Coe (right) are in the front.  Photo by Nathalie Gagnon-Joseph
Pictured here next to the remains of the high drive roof on the left is the Coe family. James Coe and Nella Cargioli Coe are in the back, and their children Isabella Coe (left) and Jude Coe (right) are in the front. Photo by Nathalie Gagnon-Joseph

copyright the Chronicle August 26, 2015

by Nathalie Gagnon-Joseph

WEST GLOVER — The old high drive at the Andersonville Farm here collapsed on Thursday, August 13, after an employee drove under it in a “silage dump truck with its tailgate up,” operational owner James Coe said.

“It’s supposed to go down on its own,” he said about the stuck tailgate.

No one was injured in the accident.

“I didn’t know what to think,” said Dennis Poginy, another employee.

He assumed that wind had blown the already weak structure over.

“That’s what you get for leaving the farm,” Mr. Coe said, laughing.

He was at Parker Pie in West Glover with his wife, Nella Cargioli Coe, when the accident happened. They had just celebrated their wedding anniversary the day before.

They’ve been the operating owners since…To read the rest of this article, and all the Chronicle‘s stories, subscribe:

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