Editor's Picks

Scanning bee preserves history

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by Maria Amador

EAST CRAFTSBURY — At a time when memories are often born and kept digitally, there is a special excitement in getting to touch an artifact of the past and having a say in how it is preserved.  Such was the mood on Saturday at the J.W. Simpson Memorial Library (JWSML) here, where staff from the Vermont Historical Records Program (VHRP) set up shop for a community scanning day.

Rachel Onuf, director of VHRP, and Jane Cadwalader, a roving archivist with the program, arrived at the library with regular format and large format scanners, prepared to assist community members in digitizing their materials.

First up was librarian Kristin Urie who keeps track of the many items left behind by the library’s founder, Jean Walker Simpson (affectionately remembered in Craftsbury as Miss Jean), and community members who kept ties to the place over the years. …

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