Around the Northeast Kingdom

Për’s inland seafood empire

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by Leanne Harple

WALDEN — Down a country road in Walden, just over the line from Greensboro Bend, through fields of farmland and up a green hill, miles from the nearest coastline, lies Vermont’s first seafood processing facility.  The smell of the docks hits visitors in the face as soon as they step from their vehicles, but it is easy to get used to this aroma quickly.  The proprietor of this establishment is Për Courtney (pronounced “pear” like the fruit and Norwegian for Peter, after his father, he said), a former president of the Vermont Furniture Maker’s Guild, and a semi-retired custom guitar builder and fine woodworker who is thriving in a new career chapter.

Mr. Courtney began Për’s Smoked of Vermont about 13 years ago, when an injury to his hand forced him to mostly give up the intricate work repairing and rebuilding guitars…

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