Editor's Picks

Mixed reviews for hotel voucher program

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by Trisha Ingalls

The pandemic-era hotel voucher program for homeless people has been extended on a more limited basis until April of 2024.

With her kids yelling boisterously in the background and trying to sneak snacks while their mom is on the phone, Samantha James explained to the Chronicle that, like most kids, her two-year-old son and six-year-old daughter love spending their summer days playing with their neighbor friends.  Unlike most kids in the Kingdom, however, Ms. James’ kids are spending their days playing with fellow tenants of the Colonnade Inn in Lyndonville, where they live for now.

Ms. James said she’s a single mom who was living in a family-owned home in Troy but had to leave there.  “It wasn’t hard for me to get a motel,” she said, “but I’ve also been a year sober from drinking.” This was problematic at her family’s first motel placement, the Border Motel in Derby, which has a bar on-site….

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