copyright the Chronicle March 30, 2016
by Joseph Gresser
DERBY — Representatives from the State Police and the Orleans County Sheriff’s Department told the select board here Monday that the soon-to-open Walmart will mean additional police calls.
Both departments recommended that the town put more resources toward what it said would be a problem.
Board members were unconvinced.
Lieutenant Walter Smith, who commands the Derby State Police barracks, and Captain Mike Henry, who heads the St. Johnsbury outpost, warned the select board at their meeting Monday evening that other towns that host Walmarts have seen increased reports of shoplifting and fender benders.
Troopers will not be responding to those calls, Lieutenant Smith said.
The Derby State Police contingent is made up of 11 troopers who are responsible for policing 31 towns in Orleans and Essex counties, Lieutenant Smith said.
“Some people call us the Derby State Police,” he said. “We’re not the Derby State Police. We’re the State Police. We just happen to be based in Derby.”…To read the rest of this article, and all the Chronicle‘s stories, subscribe:
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