Editor's Picks

City budget up 2.6 percent

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by Trisha Ingalls

NEWPORT — The city council voted to approve its 2023-2024 general fund budget here Monday night, which included a 2.6 percent overall increase. There was discussion during the comment period leading up to the vote.

Newport resident Anne Chiarello passed out visual aids to support her comments during the public comment period, which Mayor Paul Monette kept to a strict two minutes per person.

“They’re how much money that the citizens spent on sewer,” Ms. Chiarello said.  “These are user fees for the last seven years.  If you look at them you can remember that Laura [Dolgin] said they probably would go down a little because people would be a little better about using water and sewer, and so the total amount would go down.  That pretty much happens.  It goes from $1.2-million to one million and a little bit, over a period of seven years.”

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