Editor's Picks

LRUEMSD — Middle school planning intensifies

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by Trisha Ingalls

The Lake Region Union Elementary-Middle School District (LRUEMSD) board met Monday night and, in anticipation of a crowd, held its meeting at Lake Region Union High School.  About 25 people partially filled the rows of seats at the high school, but nearly 50 joined the meeting virtually.  The meeting was a regularly scheduled one for the board, but designated “special” because of the location change.  The main topic of interest for the public in attendance was discussion of creating a middle school in the Orleans Central Supervisory Union (OCSU) district.

OCSU Superintendent Penny Chamberlin kicked off the middle school portion of the meeting by presenting a slide show of survey results and some school demographic information.  The survey was of 153 teachers and support staff from all grades across OCSU asking for feedback on middle school restructuring.

One of the first questions posed was: “What is your recommended grade configuration for a middle school model?”

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