Editor's Picks

Brownington picks community goals

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by Trisha Ingalls

BROWNINGTON — In a national climate of polarized discourse, Brownington was a shining example of polite and respectful discussion and decision-making Wednesday night as community members chose their top three priorities during their second community visit. The group’s top two priorities, were “expand community events” and “improve road safety and maintenance,” but there was enough energy around a third item that it was also chosen as a top priority:  “boost local food access and agriculture.”

Wednesday night’s gathering was the second of three community visits facilitated by the Vermont Council on Rural Development (VCRD) that are designed to identify the community’s priorities and then create action around them in order to move them forward.  A series of forums took place on April 28, and fourteen ideas were generated from those discussions.  According to Jenna Koloski, VCRD’s community engagement and policy director, Wednesday night’s meeting was about action.

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