Around the Northeast Kingdom

Change of location for general election in Barton

• Bookmarks: 117

The Town of Barton is unable to hold the 2020 General election at Lake Region Union High School as usual this year due to the pandemic.  School will be in session that day so the building is not available for our use.  Per the decision of the BCA at their meeting held on 10/1/2020 the polls will be held at the Barton Town Office, located at 34 Main St. in Barton from 10AM to 7PM.  Voters are required to wear a mask to the polls.  Any voters unwilling to wear a mask will be asked to vote outside and a station will be set up outdoors for this purpose.  Voters are encouraged to vote early by bringing their ballots to the Town Office during normal business hours, Monday – Thursday 7:30-4 and Friday 7:30 – noon.  Voters wishing to personally deposit their ballots in the machine are encouraged to fill out their ballots at home prior to coming to the polls to speed the process for all.  Voting stations will be sanitized after every voter.  Voters are asked to bring the ballot which was mailed to them to the polls if they choose to vote on election day.  The ballot sent in the mail is your live ballot, and while we can help if it is lost, damaged, or destroyed this will cause delays on election day if it is a frequent occurrence.  Thank you all for your understanding in this unique election year.


Submitted by Kristin Atwood

117 recommended
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