Editor's Picks

State could end dispatch service

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copyright the Chronicle October 12, 2016

by Joseph Gresser

After a summer of discussions among emergency service providers and state officials, the Public Service Department plans to ask the Legislature to allow it to stop dispatching except for state agencies.

In an interview on October 6, State Police Captain Thomas Hango, commander of emergency communications, said the study committee is made up of police, fire, and ambulance service representatives as well as state agencies and emergency responder union delegates.

The group has been talking about possible changes to the dispatch service system, he said.

At present, Captain Hango said, some communities pay the state for dispatching services, some have their own dispatchers, and some get services from the state at no charge.

Communities in the Northeast Kingdom are among those that have received dispatching from the state without paying for them.

Many people think that’s not fair, and something needs to be done to correct the situation, he said.

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