Editor's Picks

Living on Strong Street

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by Trisha Ingalls


GLOVER — The only part of the car Bianca Mackay was driving to work one day in August of 2021, not crumpled like a ball of tinfoil, was where she was sitting.  The box truck following her didn’t slow down when she did and her car was was pushed under a minivan in a six car pileup.  The accident took place three days before Bianca was scheduled to move from Maine to Montana.

Instead of crying when she saw the wreckage, Bianca’s mother, Deborah Wesoja, said she thought clearly Bianca had survived for a reason.

It is now 18 months later, Bianca is 24 years old and at home in West Glover where Ms. Wesoja talked with the Chronicle about their journey through Bianca’s recovery so far.

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