copyright the Chronicle May 27, 2015
Island Pond Reflections, by S.J. Campbell. Paperback. 130 pages. Self-published. $19.99.
Reviewed by Tena Starr
Island Pond Reflections isn’t a scholarly history of Brighton, which has also been known rather charmingly as Gilead, Random, and the less romantic Lot 31.
Instead, Sharon Campbell says in the book’s introduction that she’s written a collection of “true stories and tales long forgotten.”
The stories come from books and newspaper articles and date back centuries.
“They provide a tantalizing glimpse into the lives of the people who lived here and describe the developments that shaped their environment,” Ms. Campbell writes. “Through the centuries Island Pond grew big enough to accommodate a whole host of characters. Their trials and tribulations were deemed worthy of being reported by newspapers in cities as far away as Boston, Seattle, London, and Montreal.”
Ms. Campbell says that Brighton, and Island Pond, the village within the town, was, at one time, quite a diverse place, populated by Italian stonemasons, Syrian storekeepers, and Lebanese Christians escaping religious or political persecution….To read the rest of this article, and all the Chronicle‘s stories, subscribe:
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contact Tena Starr at [email protected]