
A new spin on take-out

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Crispy catfish and freekeh with corn-cherry tomato sauté and marjoram. Photo by Nathalie Gagnon-Joseph.
Crispy catfish and freekeh with corn-cherry tomato sauté and marjoram. Photo by Nathalie Gagnon-Joseph.

copyright the Chronicle September 16, 2015

By Nathalie Gagnon-Joseph

I recently discovered that the New York Times won’t deliver the newspaper to West Glover, where I live. A co-worker told me last week that Internet isn’t available where she lives.

When I first moved here I had to come to grips with the fact that I would have to pick up my pizza rather than having it delivered to my doorstep.

Rural areas are often overlooked when it comes to services, either because the demand isn’t high enough or logistics are too complicated. But Blue Apron isn’t one of those services. At least, not for West Glover.

My roommate signed up for it a while ago. Every week, he receives a cardboard… To read the rest of this article, and all the Chronicle‘s stories, subscribe:

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