Around the Northeast Kingdom

Clan of the Hawk gathering August 4

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The twenty-ninth annual Clan of the Hawk gathering will be held on Saturday, August 4, on the clan’s special grounds. This year the gathering will be a one-day affair, Saturday only.

The day will be filled with activities. First Light Drum Circle will be there again this year, so there will be dancing and drumming throughout the day.  Saturday morning there will be a talking circle, and Saturday afternoon there will be a naming ceremony. The clan will also be having a special solemn ceremony, honoring the recently passed Clan Mother, Bobbie Two Feathers Noyes.

Because of the short duration of this gathering, there was no invitation put out to vendors as it would hardly be worth their while for one day, but any member of the clan or their family or friends is welcome to put up a small booth for the day. Remember, personally handmade goods only.

There will be the famous local fish fry sponsored by the Carlson family. This will be served as lunch and will go on until the fish is gone. This will be the only food offered this year so please bring plenty of extra snacks and drinks. Evansville Trading Post is only a quarter of a mile away, so one can take a nice summer walk and get almost anything needed up there.

The pet parade of the last few years has become a favorite event, so by popular demand they will sponsor one again this year. The pet parade will be held at 2 p.m.  Pets of any kid are welcome; everyone wins a prize. Free admission, free parking, camping by donation.

The assistant xhiefs will be holding a sweat lodge in the afternoon. Over the years, the clan has had many small publications for sale. This year, they will be put out on a table and will be available by donation only.

Anyone who wishes to come on Friday evening to set up camp is welcome to do so; no charge, but donations are surely welcome to keep the clan going.

Bring family, friends, food, and camping gear. One can go down to the river and wade in the cool water or just plain sit back and relax.

For more information please call 754-2817, or e-mail [email protected].  The address of the clan is 123 Evansville Road, Brownington, Vermont, 05860. –– from the Clan of the Hawk.


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