Editor's Picks

Storm chase, part one

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copyright the Chronicle July 6, 2016

by Steve Maleski

It was 1:20 p.m. We’d been up since six, on the road since just before seven. Hundreds of miles had flowed by under the wheels of the big white Toyota 4Runner that we picked out of the lineup in the lot of the Alamo Rental lot at Denver’s Stapleton Airport the evening before. Its color, high clearance and ample window space were qualities that recommended themselves to us. Likewise the nearly vertical windshield. We would be driving over rough roads, in possibly difficult conditions. The temperature would likely be hot at times: We would be seeking out areas of maximum heating. A vertical windshield would be less liable to shatter in hail, and we would probably encounter some, possibly large. The window space? We’d need that for the best omnidirectional visibility we could get. We were going storm chasing…To read the rest of this article, and all the Chronicle‘s stories, subscribe:

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