
Sheffield Field Day is animated by competition

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Edmond Lehous, left, stands and watches as his horseshoe heads for the stake.  To his right Gilbert Goodrich watches his hopes for a winning game go down the drain.  It wasn’t a new experience for Mr. Goodrich, who said his horseshoe team finished second this year to the one on which Mr. Lehous plays.  Photo by Joseph Gresser.
Edmond Lehous, left, stands and watches as his horseshoe heads for the stake. To his right Gilbert Goodrich watches his hopes for a winning game go down the drain. It wasn’t a new experience for Mr. Goodrich, who said his horseshoe team finished second this year to the one on which Mr. Lehous plays. Photo by Joseph Gresser.

copyright the Chronicle September 9, 2015

by Joseph Gresser

SHEFFIELD — On the surface the Sheffield Field Day is a carefree celebration of Labor Day and a summer’s harvest. Scratch the cheerful surface and you find that a fierce competitive spirit animates the entire event.

Judges scan the parade and award prizes to the best floats. Across the road vegetables are examined, and the finest festooned with ribbons, and on the midway youngsters and their parents test their skill in games of chance that pit sharp darts against tender balloons.

Most years, although sadly not this year, teams of horses contest to see which can pull the heaviest loads. And every year players of every age keep a sharp eye on multiple cards as the bingo caller cries out his numbers.

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