copyright the Chronicle June 18, 2014 by Joseph Gresser DERBY — As determined by the ballot and by anecdotal evidence, a large percentage of Derby residents favor the new Walmart Super Center slated for construction on Route 5. But that doesn’t mean some don’... More »
by Joseph Gresser copyright the Chronicle 1-16-2013 DERBY — “Since Ames closed five years or so ago my vocabulary has consisted of two four-letter words — when and soon,” said Brian Smith, chairman of the Derby Selectmen, Tuesday. “Now is a good word to use... More »
copyright the Chronicle 10-10-12 by Joseph Gresser DERBY — At a contentious meeting on Thursday, October 4, Derby selectmen voted to appoint Fay Morin interim town clerk and treasurer. But town voters will go to the polls, probably in December and again on To... More »
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