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Search Barton Chronicle individual pages back to 2003We do not have archives of most recent issues.
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What is the query syntax for SearchBlox?
A query is broken up into terms and operators. There are two types of terms: Single Terms and Phrases.
A Single Term is a single word such as “test” or “hello”.
A Phrase is a group of words surrounded by double quotes such as “hello dolly”.
Multiple terms can be combined together with Boolean operators to form a more complex query (see below).
The fields supported are title, description, keywords, contenttype, url, date, text.
SearchBlox supports single and multiple character wildcard searches.
To perform a single character wildcard search use the “?” symbol.
To perform a multiple character wildcard search use the “*” symbol.
SearchBlox supports fuzzy searches based on the Levenshtein Distance, or Edit Distance algorithm. To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, “~”, symbol at the end of a Single word Term.
SearchBlox supports finding words are a within a specific distance away. To do a proximity search use the tilde, “~”, symbol at the end of a Phrase.
Range Queries allow one to match documents whose field(s) values are between the lower and upper bound specified by the Range Query. Range Queries are inclusive (i.e. the query includes the specified lower and upper bound).
SearchBlox provides the relevance level of matching documents based on the terms found. To boost a term use the caret, “^”, symbol with a boost factor (a number) at the end of the term you are searching. The higher the boost factor, the more relevant the term will be.
SearchBlox supports AND, “+”, OR, NOT and “-” as Boolean operators. Boolean operators must be ALL CAPS.
SearchBlox supports using parentheses to group clauses to form sub queries. This can be very useful if you want to control the boolean logic for a query.
SearchBlox supports escaping special characters that are part of the query syntax. The current list special characters are + – && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ ” ~ * ? : \