This Week’s Headlines
the Chronicle publishes every Wednesday. Here are some of the headlines from our January 17, 2018, edition:
School funding a priority for legislators
Supporters rally around fired librarian
Dismissal of murder charge sought
Bad tenants leave landlords in the lurch
Recent Chronicle Headlines
Fire destroys Ming’s House restaurant
Barton trustees contemplate electric rate hike
Work on Newport Center water to start soon
Barton, Orleans fire departments plan merger
Irasburg man pleads innocent to poaching moose
Brownington murder trial set for end of month
NCUHS spending down
Coventry Select Board considers a professional assessor
Snowmobiles will be able to reach downtown Newport
Driver okay after run-in with train
Mosher leaves a masterpiece
Fires in Albany, Holland
Wells responds to Caledonian-Record suit
FBI sends letters to Coventry taxpayers
Barton trustees ask for evidence of Greater Barton Arts claim to equipment
Lowell faces lawsuit over closed bridge
Troopers suspended after fire
Milk commission formulates strategy for federal farm bill
Newport to become “snowmobile city?”
Old Stone House welcomes a new generation
NCSU Act 46 plan is into the home stretch
IRS lien on Derby Line Ambulance
Rifle season reaps big bucks
Senior Center gave Barton Arts $20,000
Newport could support hotel, report says
Holocaust stories told, plans for memorial discussed
Community visit comes to Newport December 13
Peter Gould says life is short, eat more pie
Veterans tell students their stories
State explains plans for Lake Memphremagog
Barton junk ordinance to be enforced
Big bucks reported so far in rifle season
Preschool students take learning back to nature
Farmers see organic milk prices plunge
IRS scammer makes a bad call
Lake Region wins second straight soccer title
Arrest made in moose poaching case
Thousands remain without power
Live green, die green, leave a green corpse
LCAR approves wind noise rule
Caledonian accuses former Newport Daily publisher of racketeering
New Barton senior center in the works
Reward offered for information on poached moose
Vanishing Vermonters tell their stories
Some skeptical of Conte expansion
North Country Hospital mandates flu vaccines for employees
Balloonists land in Brighton woods
Sara Doncaster brings the hills alive with music
Fire destroys landmark barn in Barton
Vermont fights for a voice in the farm bill
An old gardening practice acquires new life
Westmore Select Board tackles public nudity
Barton Senior Center closes abruptly
Where have all the colors gone?
An update from Puerto Rico
State seeks way to boost rural economy
Predicting the future of milk and maple
Man sent to prison for seventh DUI conviction
Officer who was killed in 1917 is remembered
North Country celebrates its fiftieth year
Widow shares story of husband’s decision to end his suffering
Orchard owner searching for stolen apple trees
Still more questions than answers about Shrinedom
Chief says Newport Police Department gravely understaffed
Hemp is hot new agricultural venture
Swastikas, racist slogans sprayed on local roads and buildings
Broken family wants case resolved
Remembering those who died by their own hand
NCSU continues opposition to Act 46
The social side of death
E-bikes a big draw at Craftsbury electric vehicle event
Students raise thousands for Harvey victims
Judge says impaired murder suspect understood rights
A plan for reviving downtown Newport
Bread and Puppet to perform new opera
Quiros agrees to settlement
Newport council excluded from redevelopment meeting
Demo derby drivers crash for cash
Lawsuit alleges voter fraud in Victory
Man charged in Newport knife fight
Beware of fake eclipse viewing glasses
Border grants will help Newport rec path, local business
Barton’s Hall of Fame farmers
Glover residents unhappy about sewer blowout
Barton fair turns 150
Sewage explodes from Glover toilets
Diaz ordered not to destroy any records
Dairy Air Wind takes down Holland MET tower
Bleak outlook for forestry industry
Diaz says she threw thumb drive away
A new kind of prescription — local veggies
Moose population drops well below target level
Defendants can have long jail wait before trial
Lake Region considers hiring a police officer
Barton Olympians share past, present, and future
Coventry gets its checks back
Justice Deptartment asked to look at legality of Act 46
Weyerhaeuser settles Current Use issue for $375,000
Sicard to replace Greenwood on Barton Select Board
Non-stop rain taking its toll on farmers
Revision awarded multi-million dollar helmet contract
Peggy Day Gibson steps aside at the Old Stone House Museum
Welch talks health care at North Country Hospital
Boathouse feud continues
Lake Region continues to beat the odds
Coventry Select Board to interview town clerk candidates
South end of Willoughby to become a state park
Judge approves EB-5 settlement
Overdose awareness walk is a step toward a sober living space
Maple production nears historic levels
Barton solar project could raise rates
Wandering elk are safely back home
Dollar General penalized for scanner violations
Pet thieves posing as “humane officers?”
EB-5 investor sues state
Newport reappraisal could lead to drop in tax rate
Governor Scott visits Albany
Diaz is out, Barlow is in, for now
Study examines how tapping may affect health of maple trees
Coventry water district working towards arsenic fix
Newport hopes to improve its image
Rabid bat found in Newport Center
Former Candlepin has new owner
LRUHS has a very good year
Murder charge reduced to second-degree
Keeping our food safe was Sutton man’s career
World dishwashing record shattered in Hardwick
OCSU shaping up for a food fight
Mock crash makes powerful point
Panel ponders future of migrant labor
State unveils plan to clean up Memphremagog
How much of Coventry’s loss is insured?
FBI investigating Orleans man
ASPIRE! awards boost female entrepreneurs
New law could speed Newport’s development
Body on cliff awaits recovery
VEC holds annual meeting
The Luring haunts the Northeast Kingdom
OCSU RIFs reflect uncertainty about Washington
2017 Legislature has a new fan
Community weighs in on Trump presidency
Albany neighbors opposed to gravel pit
If you can see grass, tick season is here
Dave’s Rubbish is back in Barton
Trade case could lead to jobs at Columbia Forest Products
Facebook popup leads to scam
Effort underway to bring ball fields back to fairgrounds
Congressman swings through Northeast Kingdom
Raymond James agrees to $150-million settlement
Orleans sixth-graders learn how to make a difference
Easter fire ruins Brighton home
Local schools vandalized
Environmental ruling boosts expansion of Coventry landfill
Poetry from the perspective of an EMT
Lawsuit claims EB-5 fraud started in 2008
Glover voters approve new garage
Can Newport emulate St. Albans’ renewal?
Newport Center approves water bond
Dairy farmers and new farmers face a divide
Fish and Wildlife proposes cutting moose permits in half
Raboin, Merriam named to Newport council
Congressional delegation draws hundreds in Hardwick
Girls with Guns looks to inspire a new generation of athletes
Celebrating Vermont’s natural delicacy
ATVs — pest or new economic driver?
Roughly a million missing, auditor says
History students take a stand
Local senators muse over legislative session
Medicaid could be cut by $200-million
Act 46 committee struggles to define its purpose
Health Department looks at root causes of addiction
North Country wins hockey title
Newport officials hear some rare good news
Federal receiver fields questions in Jay
Coventry will hire delinquent tax collector
Marchers rally for humane immigration policy
Four vie for two city council seats
Dunklee takes silver at biathlon world championships
South beach project faces opposition
Ice fishing derby covers the Kingdom
Some refugees leaving through Derby Line
Most defendants jailed in heroin sweep
Coventry voters grill selectmen
Bill McKibben speaks at Sterling College
Task force nabs 26 in heroin sweep
Lake House forced to defend itself
Coventry Selectmen will air town’s problems
“Mesh” may provide low-cost Internet connection
State’s Attorney to launch drug diversion program
Major changes for cancer treatment in Newport area
Pool of maple syrup spreads across the country
Newark woman camped out at Standing Rock
Diaz pleads the Fifth, then testifies
Former addicts discuss routes to recovery
Willoughby claims ice fisherman
Governor’s freeze gets a cold shoulder
State spells out plan for use of Great Hosmer
NCUHS search for principal narrowed to two
State plans new parking area for Willoughby’s south end
Open season on coyotes questioned
Amount budgeted for policing in Derby nearly doubled
Current Use penalty too high, Starr says
Derby Pond Animal Hospital has new owner
North Country Union High School looks for a leader
Losses, some gains for Newport businesses
Ski for Light holds Craftsbury event
Dental center opens in Orleans
Sugarmakers discuss climate change, bugs
Diaz ignores order to hand over documents and cash
Highland Lodge has new owner
In the land of cigars and rum
Newport City continues to struggle with budget
Plans for Spates Block hole developing
Town of Coventry files civil complaint against Diaz
Newport City Council urges deep budget cuts
Irasburg loses another selectman
Coventry audit report will go to law enforcement
Sweenys buy C&C Market
Downtown business is slow this season
Cost and shortage of childcare hinder employment
Irasburg fire leaves six without a home
Albany concert expected to draw thousands
New energy siting rules tough on small towns
Women queue up for business info
Armed standoff in Newport
The NEK’s got jobs — a lot of them
Deer harvest up from last year
State taking a hands-on approach to motor vehicle inspections
Lost hunter tells his story
A day on the Vermont Railway
An appreciation of the worst Thanksgiving of my life
SEC wins early victory against Quiros
Changing the way health care is delivered
Towns try for better roads
Diaz to bill town for delinquent tax collector’s fee
Walmart opens admits policing concerns
Coventry Fire District confronts arsenic in its water supply
At long last, Lake Region soccer reigns
Coventry Select Board votes to move investments before election
Incumbents returned to office, county votes for Scott, Trump
Cash tax payments definitely missing in Coventry
Lake Region soccer on a playoff run
Congressman Welch visits Orleans County
Sanders rallies for Democratic candidates
Glover parents want holidays returned to school
Orleans-2 candidates agree on much
Marian Burros was a pioneer in “political” food writing
Moose kill down from 2015
Albany teacher named Vermont Science Teacher of the Year
Coventry board calls in State Police
House candidates debate in Westfield
Lawyers for Stenger tell state to bring it on
Coventry town clerk caught hiding missing documents in furnace room
Orleans-Caledonia House candidates debate education, guns, taxes
Glover parents question Halloween ban
State could end dispatch service
Auditor calls for asset freeze in Coventry
An old railroad town is at a junction, again
Montreal man starts hemp farm in Holland
Police mystified by disturbed infant grave
Foresters talk stewardship at Craftsbury Outdoor Center
Tony Pomerleau pledges up to $120,000 to St. Paul’s School
NEK End Addiction holds forum at Lake Region
Coventry Select Board Board will hire accountant
In Coventry, Annual reports off by $10-million, cash unaccounted for
Potential Jay Peak buyer accused of fraud
Women break the glass ceiling at Community National Bank
License restoration program offers a clean slate
Barton Select Board approves limited ATVs on town roads
Trash is down, recycling is up, questions remain
Morgan appeals PSB approval of Seymour Lake Solar project
Struggling to find new uses for old churches
Lake Region to hold evacuation drill September 9
Newport Mayor goes to work for Walmart
Stenger settles, no longer works at Jay
Jay 14-year-old is women’s amateur national flowboarding champion
Spark from torch started round barn fire
Dairy crisis is worse than most
Massive manhunt in Barton
Seymour Lake Solar gets green light from Public Service Board
Randi Calderwood killed in farm accident
Derby selectboard committee to study law enforcement
Roadside needles are evidence of a larger problem
Charges still pending in prison hostage case
Thousands turn out for historic schoolhouse journey
2016 Primary results — Starr, Rodgers fend off challenge
A 75-mile wheelchair odyssey for justice
Electric vehicle charging station in Derby Line
Does school district consolidation really save money?
Peter Galbraith sits down with the Chronicle
Newport celebrates Aquafest
New tax maps bring changes to Glover
Holland residents out in force to oppose wind
Vermont attorney helps Abu Zahir go home after 14 years at Guantanamo Bay
Brownington appoints an interim town clerk
Felines and Friends helps to turn corner on feral cat population
Morgan residents turn out to oppose wind, solar
Survey shows Orleans County kids engage in risky behavior
Steve Maleski goes storm hunting, part two
Hungry bears plague Island Pond
Sterling College views vandalism as a hate crime
Local pro uses defibrillator to save golfer’s life
Increased police pressure may be blunting an Orleans County burglary spree
Holland woman gets jail time for starving goats
Film producers in search of Phish concert stories
Porsche parade at Jay Peak
Caterpillars defoliate hundreds of acres
More charges stem from Barton meth lab raid
Demonstration held in wake of Orlando shootings
Playwright, Lesley Becker, tackles energy issues in The Gods of the Hills
Select board to consider gift of historic Coventry church
Barton electric rates drop to 16.7 percent
Lawmakers pass revised energy-siting bill
EB-5 investors take aim at Quiros and Raymond James
Veterans recognized by state politicians in Newport
OSCU merger plan goes down in flames
Antique murals find a home at the Old Stone House Museum
Lawmakers disappointed by veto of renewable energy siting bill
Mayor’s veto of free test water meters is overridden
Memorial Day observances – Photos
Quiros allowed $15,000 a month for expenses
Man sentenced to work crew for stealing food
A new generation takes over Belview campground
Meth lab found in Barton
NCUHS won’t have principal next year
More suits filed in EB-5 case
Barton Village Trustees: New water rates come up again
Fletcher sentenced for embezzlement
Memorial Day observances
Yours from the Perimeter: Beyond the Memorial Day parade by Paul Lefebvre
Jobs declined in April
In Irasburg: Energy siting bills create confusion for planners
VEC annual meeting: Jay Peak shutdown would lead to job loss at VEC
Brian Smith to run for state Legislature
LR concert brought audience to their feet
Nearly 300 participate in Dandelion Run
Youngsters get a free introduction to flying
In Superior Court: Neighbor’s vigilance leads to charge for Barton man
In North Troy: Fire deemed suspicious
Pepin killed in motorcycle crash
Student artwork will hang at U.S. Capitol
Westmore retreat will stream people to WIlloughby
Ruminations: Planting peas with Princess by Tena Starr
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