Editorials and opinions

Sims has the right kind of experience

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I have worked with Katherine Sims for 5 years as she has developed a program that is affecting the northern Vermont community in a very positive way.

Katherine designed, energized and directed our effort to benefit farmers, bring wholesome local food to school food services and to educate kids and their families to the importance of nutrition in a healthy productive life style. This effort is more than a program; it is a business and has to be run as such. Katherine has done this and done it well. She is a successful business woman as well as a community leader. Katherine understands by experience the northern economy and challenges it presents.

Katherine has had lots of experience in what it takes to bring people together to achieve a common benefit.

She has the kind of experience that a representative for Eden, Lowell, Westfield, Jay, and Troy needs to do the job for these communities she will serve. I hope you will give her your vote.

David B. Stackpole
Lowell, VT

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