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Who’s Who In Business?

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Our annual Who’s Who in Business? Supplement will be published on March 27, 2019. It is our most popular supplement. The Who’s Who highlights local businesses with a short write-up about their company, and includes a picture or logo. Do you want people to know more about your business and what you do? Would you like to introduce them to your staff and let them know how things are done? The Who’s Who is a great way to do that. Readers often keep this supplement on hand for future reference, so your advertising dollar goes even farther. For only $99, you can get a 5″x5″ square with an article on your business and a picture of your building, staff, or your logo. It includes your location, contact information, Facebook page and/or website. Below is an example of a typical Who’s Who ad. They are all formatted similarly.


The deadline to advertise in this supplement is Friday, March 1. Why so early? Because it takes a very long time to put this supplement together. We strive for accuracy and consistency, and writing 100+ articles on 100+ businesses takes time. Then we proofread, make corrections, and format them. You may, of course, elect to write your own article.

If you would like to advertise in this popular supplement, please fill out this form and e-mail it to [email protected] by March 1. If you choose to write your own article, there’s no need to fill out the whole form; just attach your article in the e-mail. Don’t forget to include a picture of your building or your staff (and their names), or your logo. Cost is $99.

For more information, contact our advertising department at 802-525-3531 or [email protected].
