copyright the Chronicle April 12, 2017
by Elizabeth Trail
GLOVER — By a narrow margin, voters here directed the select board Tuesday to borrow up to $750,000 to pay for a new town garage. The garage will be built on the site of the recycling shed next to the present town garage on Route 16.
The tally was 73 in favor and 68 against.
Of the town’s 776 voters, 141 turned out to cast their ballots, including 25 who voted by absentee ballot ahead of time, and another 27 who voted by absentee ballot on Monday night at an informational meeting at the town hall.
About 40 people showed up for Monday night’s meeting in addition to the three selectmen and other town officials.
Passumpsic Bank has offered the town a fixed rate, 20-year loan at 3 percent interest, Selectman Jack Sumberg said.
Seven hundred fifty thousand dollars would be the most that the town would borrow. That works out to about $30 more taxes a year on a $100,000 property.
No grants are available to cover the cost of a new garage.
“If we’re going to do it, we have to pay for it,” Mr. Sumberg said.
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