Editor's Picks

Elder Caucus is community

• Bookmarks: 156

by Joseph Gresser

BARTON — The weekly meal served at the memorial building here was cleared away and round tables were pushed together like a string of beads. Around 20 people, all but two women, from as near as Barton and as far as Derby Line, pulled their chairs up and listened as Barbara Delzio called the second Elder Caucus meeting to order on the afternoon of January 16.

The session began with introductions as each participant told what she thinks of when she hears the word community.  The idea of friendship, support, and companionship predominated, although Meghan Wayland, who heads up Northeast Kingdom Organizing (NEKO), the group that sponsors the meals in Barton and Glover, offered love as their contribution.

Ms. Delzio noted with evident pleasure that the number of tables needed for the group had doubled since the last caucus meeting …

156 recommended
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